Impatiens Annual Or Perennial

Impatiens Annual Or Perennial. They will bloom continuously if they are getting enough sun and water. Even though some impatiens species are perennial, impatiens are generally grown as annuals due to their inability to tolerate frost. Impatiens is a beautiful annual that makes an excellent houseplant or summer bedding and container plant. Perennials are grown from seed usually do not produce flowers in their first year (nor do biennials).

In addition to its flowers, this plant has bold, lustrous foliage that adds a tropical flair to any space. Let's take a look at how to plant and how to grow impatiens. Annual impatiens (Impatiens balsamina) last for one season. Even though some impatiens species are perennial, impatiens are generally grown as annuals due to their inability to tolerate frost. Includes all important info including water needs, sun preferences, hardiness zones and much more. Even though some impatiens species are perennial, impatiens are generally grown as annuals due to their inability to tolerate frost. Impatiens A classic shade garden annual, impatiens have long been a popular choice because of their bloom power and wide variety of colors. They can produce flowers nonstop for a whole growing season, and they don't even deadheading to keep going! Commonly encountered species include impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) and garden balsam, also called rose balsam (Impatiens balsamina). All Annuals can be shipped to you at home.

Commonly encountered species include impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) and garden balsam, also called rose balsam (Impatiens balsamina).

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Here's how to grow impatiens in your garden! Most Impatiens species are perennial herbs. Impatiens are both annuals and perennials. The annual types are Impatiens balsamina. However, several annual species exist, especially in the temperate regions as well as in the Himalayas.

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